Critter Rescue

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Animal welfare issues in destination countries

On arrival, animals are subject to various welfare risks. In overseas destinations with different climates, animals must adjust to new and sometimes extreme temperatures, especially in the case of sheep transported from Australia to the Middle East. They generally endure long waiting periods before disembarking ships and being loaded onto trucks, where rough handling can cause distress and injury. During truck journeys to feedlots and/or slaughterhouses, they are usually denied access to food or water which can lead to dehydration and exhaustion. Once at the slaughterhouse, they may be subject to a range of different slaughter methods, including unskilled and sometimes illegal methods which cause pain and suffering.   

Live Export

Dec 2019 We're fighting the drought - alot of animals need transporting out of paddocks with nothing to eat

3.3.15   So many horrible rescues this year already! Operations & nursing have all been successful so we look forward to getting these animals ready for their new homes  in the near future!

Showing category "Volunteer" (Show all posts)

BIG thank you

Posted by Critter Rescue on Tuesday, July 29, 2014, In : Volunteer 
Lots to cover but to everyone who has lent a hand over the last few months ..... a big thankyou.
First thanks to all those who turned up to help with the 2 GIANT rescues last weekend (goats and ducks). We don't even know who you all were but it was great to see so many caring people.  Also big thanks to Julie who has persisted with the gosling adoption process (picture below shows one of the groups of rescued babies almost being accepted by a new goose family...only a few hisses). Thanks to th...
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Volunteer Days at our Shelter

Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, August 11, 2013, In : Volunteer 
Animals coming & going through our Shelter means lot of work!  We've had a few Volunteer Days but if you want to Volunteer anytime contact us through the Contact Page here on the website.
Here's a pic of Cathie from Om Shanti Permaculture who has been Volunteering by pruning & rejuvinating some old fruit trees so as to provide food for animals in our care. BIG thanks Cathie!!

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No Kill

Critter Rescue We never give up. We find an appropriate home for every critter. Everyone deserves a loving home