Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, November 30, 2014,
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Thanks to all the kids who made up the Xmas Sponsor Cards for us.

Each card has a photo of one of the animals in our Shelter at present who either can't be rehomed
or is being nursed (with their name on card). The money for each card goes for treats for that animal over Xmas.
You can buy these at some local shops on Central Coast & in the Hunter or from a Volunteer or on this site.
Also you can buy Xmas Raffle tickets here on the site.
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Xmas Raffle 2014
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, November 30, 2014,
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Xmas Raffle
Xmas Raffle
Posted by Critter Rescue on Wednesday, November 26, 2014,
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Xmas Raffle
Yes we have a Xmas Raffle to raise much needed funds for Vet bills, food & supplies. We do not receive
any funding so the raffle really helps. If you can help by selling tickets please contact us.
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busy, busy, busy
Posted by Critter Rescue on Wednesday, November 26, 2014,
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No time to lay around smelling the fruit for all us volunteers at Critter Rescue. It has been a VERY busy
year with a record number of urgent & critical rescues & animals. Sorry we haven't had time to keep this
Blog uptodate in the last little while. If anyone has some free time please contact us as we are always
looking for new volunteers for lots of different duties. So if you're good at something please let us know
& maybe your skill can be used to help the critters
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Don't forget our Winter Appeal
Please spread the word that we now have a Pet Food Donation Bin at Goldman's Petland in Cessnock.
Our Winter Appeal is now on for food for rescued animals. You can donate via this website or contact us direct
or drop some non-perishable pet food in the Bin at Goldmans. We have very many needy animals this winter

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BIG thank you
Posted by Critter Rescue on Tuesday, July 29, 2014,
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Lots to cover but to everyone who has lent a hand over the last few months ..... a big thankyou.
First thanks to all those who turned up to help with the 2 GIANT rescues last weekend (goats and ducks). We don't even know who you all were but it was great to see so many caring people. Also big thanks to Julie who has persisted with the gosling adoption process (picture below shows one of the groups of rescued babies almost being accepted by a new goose family...only a few hisses). Thanks to th...
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Pet Food Donation Bin
We now have a Pet Food Donation Bin at Goldman's Petland, in Cessnock. Please consider a donation if you are in the area. Or you can make a money donation via this site. It has been a very busy period for all us volunteers since last Christmas with record numbers of animals needing help. Many times we rescue a whole herd, flock or litter of animals from starvation or neglect at one time. So food is always needed desperately. Here's a photo of Rooster Guy making our bin
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Drought, rescues, Pre/Post Xmas dumping of animals
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, February 16, 2014,
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Our Xmas Raffle was drawn today
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, December 22, 2013,
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Xmas Raffle
The lucky winners are: 1st Prize Sue from Cessnock, 2nd Prize Mitch from Abedare & 3rd Prize Kylie from Cessnock. They were all really surprised when they got the phone call!
Big THANKYOU to James Ryan (from CCC) for once again drawing the Xmas Raffle. Also big thanks to the Official Witnesses:
human Paul Goldman (from Goldmans Produce) & critter Roger Blatchley (a dog).

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our special Xmas Cards sponsor an animal in need
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, December 15, 2013,
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It's a great gift to give someone this Xmas. Our Xmas cards have the photo of a special needs animal in our care on the front of the card. On the reverse it says the animal's name & that this card Sponsors that animal. On sale here on our site or from volunteers & local businesses
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Only One week to go to buy a ticket in our Xmas Raffle
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, December 15, 2013,
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Great Prizes so you've got to be in it to win it!!! All proceeds go to help animals in urgent need! You can buy them here on our website or from local businesses and volunteers
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Winner Sophia receiving her Samsung Galaxy
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, December 15, 2013,
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Sophia (yr5/6) Winner of the Outside Cat Enclosure Competion Term 4 2013. Great work Sophia!!
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Sophia's Winning Entry
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, December 7, 2013,
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Winner of Term 4 School Competition
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, December 7, 2013,
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Announcing the Winner of our Competition to draw an Outside Cat Enclosure where Keisha Cat can
play, eat, drink, sleep & generally have lots of FUN whilst staying safe (& protecting wildlife).
Sophia from Kurri Kurri Primary School drew a great enclosure with all sorts of Cat stuff in it.
Here's a photo of Robert from Ryan Accounting with her winning entry. Ryan Accounting donated
1st Prize for this Competition-- a Samsung Galaxy Tab. Big thanks again for such a great Prize.
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Critter Rescue Xmas Cards
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, November 23, 2013,
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When you buy one of our special Sponsorship Christmas Cards it helps sponsor the animal whose photo is on the card.
It makes a great gift to give someone for Xmas. Each card has a special-needs animal's name & photo with the words saying the card is Sponsoring that animal.
You can buy them online here on our Home Page or on our Xmas Gifts page.
Each card is $20 and will really help that animal with his/her needs
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Hey Kids
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, November 23, 2013,
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only one week to go to enter our Term4 school competition. All entries must be with your teachers by Friday 29th Nov.
We'll announce the winner of the Samsung Galaxy the next week. Good luck
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PetFood on it's way to BushFire Victims
Thankyou to Kearsley Fire Station for deliverying some of our donated Pet food to Blue Mountains fire victims. And a big thank you to Matthew for organising it all.
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BushFire Appeal now closed
Thank you to everyone who donated petfood to our BushFire Appeal. It was a great response!
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Bushfire Appeal
Posted by Critter Rescue on Tuesday, October 22, 2013,
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Bushfire Appeal
Please help Pets who are victims of the ongoing NSW bushfires...
Critter Rescue is organising an Appeal for Pet Food (non-perishable only) to give to pets who are victims of the NSW fires.
Kearsley Rural Fire Service will distribute pet food to people with pets who are victims of the October NSW bushfires in the Hunter, Blue Mountains & other desperate parts of NSW.
Please donate cans & bags of petfood to help pets & owners caught up in this terrible situation. You can drop off Pet Food at Kears...
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Spring has Sprung!
Posted by Critter Rescue on Tuesday, October 22, 2013,
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Please consider buying already hatched & sexed chickens. And hey how about adopting a beautiful cat or dog from your local Pound, for example from a HIGH KILL POUND. RSPCA Rutherford has lots of great dogs & cats & roosters & lots of other cute pets to adopt. Give them a ring!
Critter Rescue asks you please don't hatch eggs yourself because they usually are roosters or male ducks/geese. Better to adopt.
Please don't breed dogs &'s better to get your dog or cat desexed! If you're ...
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Samsung Galaxy Tab
Posted by Critter Rescue on Tuesday, October 22, 2013,
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BIG thankyou to Ryan Accounting in Cessnock for donating 1st Prize to our Term 4 School Competition!!
Hey kids it's UNLOCKED - a Samsung Galaxy Tab. What a great prize!!! This Term it's all about Cat ownership.
See your school for all the details to enter. It's easy to Enter and you'll learn all the important things about keeping
a cat so it doesn't hurt the Aussie wildlife (or get hurt itself). Cats are great pets but they need to have proper housing
so give us your ideas and you can win t...
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Term 4 School Competition
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, October 13, 2013,
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Has your primary school signed up for our Competition yet?? If not ask your teacher to email us & we'll send them the details.
It's all about responsible pet ownership and LOTS OF FUN! Great prizes to be won
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Visit us on Facebook
Posted by Critter Rescue on Monday, August 26, 2013,
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We are now on Facebook. Join the fun!
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Rooster Girl asking for help for the animals
Posted by Critter Rescue on Monday, August 26, 2013,
Rooster Girl is always out & about saving roosters who've been dumped in the bush, at Vets & pounds. But she took time out from her busy schedule to do some fundraising for all the animals in our care
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School Visits
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, August 11, 2013,
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School Visits
It's Term 3 & as usual it's when we do our Winter Visits to local schools. This year our two Volunteers - Lyn Human and Hercules Dog have been having fun visiting classrooms talking about Responsible Pet Ownership. They reported back that there's lots of really happy, kind & informed kids in our community who care for their pets.
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This could be YOU picking up manure at our Shelter
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, August 11, 2013,
What fun!!!! This is Your INVITATION to volunteer for Critter Rescue.

But seriously, there's lots of other things YOU can do to help animals. Contact us on the Contact page on this site for more information.
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Rooster Guy asking you to Donated to our Winter Appeal
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, August 11, 2013,
Winter is a hard time for many animals. We are asking for your help so we can help animals in our care & in the care of other Rescue Groups and also for our other programs such as Helping Elders Keep Their Pets. Your help will help us pay for hay, grain, chaff, dog and cat food, small bird food, dog coats, blankets and bedding etc. Please spread the word & help in any way you can. Contact us via the contact page on this site with any ideas you may have.
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Volunteer Days at our Shelter
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, August 11, 2013,
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Animals coming & going through our Shelter means lot of work! We've had a few Volunteer Days but if you want to Volunteer anytime contact us through the Contact Page here on the website.
Here's a pic of Cathie from Om Shanti Permaculture who has been Volunteering by pruning & rejuvinating some old fruit trees so as to provide food for animals in our care. BIG thanks Cathie!!
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Thanks to all for the recent donations
Posted by Critter Rescue on Wednesday, June 5, 2013,
Manuka Honey
Posted by Critter Rescue on Wednesday, June 5, 2013,
We've had some great results treating wounds on a number of animals with Manuka Honey. When anti-biotics weren't doing the trick we tried this and ulcers & wounds responded very's a miracle
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Hey we are now on Facebook
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, April 27, 2013,
find our page on Facebook and LIKE us. Then you'll be up-to-date with all our activities.
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February torrential rains meant lots of rescues
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, March 10, 2013,
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February turned out to be a terrible month of flooding rains especially bad after the drought of the last few months.
We were kept busy with wet smelly dogs, half drowned cats, goats trapped in swappy areas, drenched hens & roosters.
We worked with Native Animal Trust Fund ( ) volunteers to rescue and re-home muscovy ducks who were dumped in a park in Newcastle during the deluge

So far 17 rescued and 3 re-homed, a work in progress...
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Storms & flooding
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, February 2, 2013,
Unbelievably, we have gone from a really bad drought to a period of severe storms/flood in a matter of weeks. We were buying water for rescued farmyard animals last week to now having flooding problems for many of our carers & our Shelter. What is that Aussie poem....''from droughts to flooding rains, The Wide Brown Land for me..."? A big thankyou to Velma from who organised a team of volunteers on short notice to be on standby all through the night of the se... Continue reading ...
Summer, Drought, Xmas Holidays
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, February 2, 2013,
It has been a terrible summer with record heatwave conditions. Critterrescue volunteers have taken too many abandoned & neglected pets into care. The drought has meant alot of local people just cant feed their farmyard animals and the Xmas holiday period has meant alot of people have just abandoned their pet dog/cat/guinea pigs/birds etc to go away on holidays. It has been a really busy period for us. Hey everyone help us by reminding people not to take on a pet unless they can provide for t...
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The Winner Xmas Hamper Raffle
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, January 5, 2013,
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The Winner Got the LOT!!! There was only one winner of the critterrescue Xmas Hamper & she was so excited she drove an hour to be sure it was true. When we phoned her she couldn't believe it & said she'd never won anything before in her life!! It was a great Hamper with a huge amount of great stuff from local packages, accomodation, dinners, lunches, electrical appliances, garden art etc. A big thankyou to all who made this happen. Here are the photos of the Winner (& b...
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Xmas Hamper Raffle Draw
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, January 5, 2013,
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Xmas Card entries on display
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, January 5, 2013,
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All the best entries painted by the primary school kids were on display at the Commonwealth Bank Cessnock throughout December. They sure gave the bank a Christmas look. Customers were commenting that the designs were all winners. Good on you kids! Thanks for such a good effort. It all raises awareness of the need for animal welfare & responsible pet ownership
Pictured above are the Manager & Assistant Manager of the Commonwealth Bank Cessnock
with the two sided display of Christmas Ca...
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The Winner
Posted by Critter Rescue on Tuesday, December 4, 2012,
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We have TWO WINNERS of the Critter Rescue Xmas Card Competition!!!!
They are Tarron White from Kearsley Primary School & Lucy Bacon from Mulbring Primary School.
All the entries were amazing it was really hard to pick a Winner. The kids are very creative and put a
great deal of effort into their designs
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Our Xmas Hamper Raffle
Posted by Critter Rescue on Thursday, November 8, 2012,
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Please buy a ticket (available from Kearsley Hotel, Betta Electrical Kurri Kurri, The Lemon Turtle Kurri Kurri,
Cessnock Vet & all your local animal rescuers).
The Prizes are WONDERFUL!!
Donated by these WONDERFUL Businesses:
Goldmans Produce
Cessnock Hotel
Neath Hotel
All Care Car Services
Barkuma Centre & The Lemon Turtle
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Xmas Card Competition is Officially now closed
Posted by Critter Rescue on Thursday, November 8, 2012,
We have received lots of beautiful entries for our Christmas Card competition from local primary schools.
WATCH THIS SPACE.......The Winner will be announced soon!
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Xmas Hamper Raffle
Posted by Critter Rescue on Monday, October 29, 2012,
We have received a great response from local business to our Xmas Fundraising Appeal. Thanks to all these business for the great prizes included in the Hamper Raffle (such as accomodation/dinner/breakfasts for 2 at the Historic Neath Hotel, electrical goodies from Better Electrical Kurri, golf/dinner/accom from Cessnock Hotel, garden statue set from the famous Fountains&Statues Kurri, to name but a few). We will list all in a coming blog.
Tickets are available from the above businesses & Bark...
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Christmas Card Competition
Posted by Critter Rescue on Monday, October 22, 2012,
This year we have invited local primary schools to run a competition
for the best design for our official Critter Rescue Christmas Card.
The winning card will be the one that most uniquely captures the
theme of pet rescue.
The winner will receive a great prize of a family lunch
(kindly donated by the Kearsley Hotel). The best ten from each
school will be displayed at the local Commonwealth Bank as part
of our Xmas Display.
If your school is not yet involved then please contact us for further de...
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Posted by Critter Rescue on Wednesday, October 17, 2012,
What a busy winter we've had rescuing all kinds of critters! From guinea fowl to goats - dogs,
cats roosters puppies horses and pigs. Vet bills are out of control and feed bills are huge but all survived
& some are re-homed to their forever home. The rest are with our small but dedicated carers who are
hoping Spring will bring with it more responsible pet ownership, a stop to backyard breeding & dumping of our furry or
feathered friends
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Beautifully decorated Easter goose eggs
Posted by Critter Rescue on Friday, April 6, 2012,
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Happy Easter to all the critters
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, April 1, 2012,
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cute cat
Goat rescue
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, February 18, 2012,
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Big thankyou to all those who helped yesterday to rescue the young goat. Very sad situation but she's now on
her way to her new forever home. What a cutie!
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Christmas Turkeys
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, February 12, 2012,
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Finally we have found a wonderful home for the two Xmas turkeys rescued on Xmas eve.
The family already has one pet turkey. Our two boys have blended in well and will no doubt be
spoilt. If anyone is experienced with turkeys & their health issues please contact us as it would
be good to have a bit of first hand info.
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Posted by Critter Rescue on Monday, August 22, 2011,
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Why are people buying eggs to hatch when they are totally unprepared & unwilling to accept the three out of four chicks who will grow up to be roosters! Totally irresponsible! We are still rescuing lots of roosters. A very sad situation.
A Big Thank You to Rooster Guy who has helped some of these guys find their forever home. Check out his new site
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Dogs & Cats
Posted by Critter Rescue on Sunday, August 7, 2011,
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Happy to report all the dogs & cats from the abandoned house have been rehomed to their forever homes. A big thank you to the volunteers who drove individual animals long distances to their new homes.
And ofcourse we have to say a big thankyou to the compassionate Real Estate agent who tipped us off about the very sorry situation. Total 21 dogs & cats NOT collected by the local Animal Shelter to be euthanased. Happy Ending instead!! 
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Wombat safely moved to Cedar Creek
Posted by Critter Rescue on Wednesday, June 15, 2011,
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It's raining Roosters
Posted by Critter Rescue on Saturday, June 11, 2011,
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We have been approached by Rangers, Vets and the public to find homes for so many roosters this month(all on their way to be euthanased).
Most were healthy and have been abandoned. A couple were injured by humans and needed Vet attention and are now being nursed back to good health
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