Speak up for Animals
Animals are like us & don't want to suffer, but they can't speak out against violence & cruelty. Yes, you can be a voice for animals every day - in your everyday life.
Many things you can do that will make a real difference such as buying cruelty-free at the supermarket, buy alternatives to the cruel dairy & egg industries, buy products that haven't been tested on animals
Sign Petitions / Start a Petition
Learn where your food comes from
Fundraise for animals
Become aware of what is happening to local/worldwide animals
Join a network
Speak up for animals
Volunteer with an Animal welfare group
Critter Rescue Volunteers actively work on many issues relating to animal welfare both locally & internationally. On this page we regularly post one of the urgent causes that need help. Please read the articles & visit the sites & do what you can to help.

Pay for a cat bed & a bag of cat food |
![]() $ 50 USD |
A rescued cat needs a cozy bed and nutritional quality cat food when they first arrive into care
Ukraine animals in desperate need PLEASE HELP
Soi Dog Foundation 
UKRAINE UPDATE Please make your donation today to ensure desperate animals receive the help they need: https://links.soidog.org/emergency-relief
Since the very beginning of this terrible conflict, your donations have truly been life-changing for the animals and refugees of Ukraine. Thanks to people like you, our partner organisation TOZ - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, has been able to provide vital treatment for over 1,500 animals in need, and continue the construction of a veterinary clinic that will provide free and ongoing treatmentv. Sadly though, refugees and animals continue to pour over the Polish border, and many are left behind, in the rubble of the conflict. That is why we are now funding emergency relief missions into Ukraine. A small team of volunteers is now in Ukraine, delivering vital food supplies and medication.
As more and more animals in need are found, soon, there won't be enough resources to help them all. In just a few weeks, this desperate situation could become a crisis. Many local organisations have left the area, and TOZ are the only ones there to help. Their work is now more important than ever. Will you please make your urgent donation today to ensure these desperate animals receive the emergency supplies and food they need to survive? Please help here: https://links.soidog.org/emergency-relief
Labor’s election win marks a historic moment for animals.
As of 21 May 2022, Australia has a new Prime Minister and government. While the Labor party’s win means something different to each of us, for animals, this election result is an extraordinary marker of positive change.
By keeping issues like live export and factory farming squarely on the political agenda, compassionate Australians helped put animals on the election agenda too.
And our collective voice for animals has been heard.
Major animal welfare reforms have not only been embraced by the new government, but the vast majority of the new and expanded crossbench endorse a kinder and more compassionate Australia for animals. The Senate is also shaping up to be the most animal-friendly we have ever seen. Never before in Australia’s political history have so many incoming MPs made such significant commitments for animals.
Cruel live sheep export will end
The Labor Government has publicly pledged to bring the cruel live sheep export trade to an end. Such an announcement is cause for celebration for the gentle and sensitive sheep who deserve protection from this inherently cruel industry, and for Animals Australia’s community of dedicated supporters who have persevered for them.
Arriving here has been no easy feat. It was nearly two decades ago that Animals Australia conducted our first live export investigation, exposing the brutal treatment and killing of Australian sheep in Kuwait.
Little did we know it would take dozens of further challenging investigations across the Middle East and North Africa, multiple media exposés, and the bravery of a whistle-blower risking his life to document the suffering onboard live export vessels, to change the political tide against this industry.
What’s next?
For the live export of sheep to be phased out and stopped, legislation needs to be introduced and voted on in both houses of parliament. The Albanese government hasn’t indicated a timeline for this to occur, however, Animals Australia will be lobbying for this important election commitment to be passed into law as soon as possible.
What about live cattle export?
While acknowledging this monumental win for Australian sheep, our efforts will not waver to bring all live animal export to an end.
Hundreds of dead animals as rescue services struggle with volume of call-outs and impact of floods
/ By Tara Cassidy
Posted Fri 4 Mar 2022 at 12:06pmFriday 4 Mar 2022 at 12:06pm, updated Fri 4 Mar 2022 at 12:26pmFriday 4 Mar 2022 at 12:26pm
A koala joey wet from the recent floods.(Supplied: Jill Bayly, Wildlife Animals Australia)
Koala Cull Highlights a Bigger Problem
From International Fund for Animal Welfare "Thursday, March 5, 2015The killing of 698 Cape Otway koalas is unacceptable and could have been avoided by better management, according to IFAW
“The Cape Otway koalas are just one sad example of how we’re letting down our national icon.” said Isabel McCrea, IFAW’s regional director. IFAW is calling on the Victorian Government to work with ecologists and expert organisations from around the country to come up with a plan that moves away from last ditch responses and brings this population to a natural equilibrium while affording individual animals the dignity they deserve
From the Australian Koala Foundation ---“AKF will continue to relentlessly pursue both the accountability of the Federal Minister and to ensure that this year a Koala Protection Act is enacted.
Many of you want to write to Minister Hunt
The Hon Greg Hunt MP - Minister for the Environment
PO Box 6022 House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600 Australia
PO Box 274
Hastings, VIC, 3915
Email: greg.hunt.MP@aph.gov.au
What you need to ask for is;
1) The listing of the Koala under the EPBC Act right now, in Victoria and South Australia so there is federal oversight immediately (remember this cull, in whatever form is not legal)
2) His support for a Koala Protection Act which will simplify and allow better protection and dignity for the Koala and it’s habitat into the future.
Please make sure your anger is well placed. The custodian of the Koala is the Australian Government, and they have abrogated their responsibility and allowed immense cruelty to be perpetrated on the Koala for last 200 years.
It truly is time to stop. “
Only 12 days until the 2014-2015 Taiji dolphin drive hunt begins.
SSCS Cove Guardians will be on the ground documenting the daily atrocities for our 5th season of Operation Infinite Patience. Please follow our Live Stream coverage, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram updates. We Will Not Stop Until The Slaughter Ends! Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians Page (official)https://twitter.com/CoveGuardianshttp://instagram.com/sscs_coveguardians

Wombats buried by logging in Glenbog State Forest in possibly deliberate marsupial massacre
- From: news.com.au
- August 15, 2014 4:51PM
Earlier this week, it emerged that a logging operation in the Glenbog State Forest in southern New South Wales may have buried up to 150 bare-nosed wombats. This gross act of wombaticide occurred despite two dedicated locals marking wombat burrows so that loggers could avoid them.
contact Liz Fowler, of the Forestry Corporation of NSW which manages the Glenbog Forrest but does not run the logging operation.
“We have read those allegations,” Ms Fowler responded. “Obviously those are serious allegations and we continue to investigate the suggestion that there was any deliberate action. It’s certainly not something we’re going to take lightly.”
Ray Wynan is a tradie who lives in the small town of Nimmitabel. He and his wife Marie are members of the Wombat Protection Society. They know the Glenbog Forest well, and marked burrows in the area which was to be logged with both high-visibility paint and fluoro marking tape so that loggers could avoid them.
Fat lot of bare-nosed good that did.
Not only did loggers fell the huge trees that uprooted the vegetation around burrows, thereby filling them with choking dirt that would have suffocated and killed the wombats, they even built a logging road right over the top of one burrow which had been GPS marked.
See Wombat Protection Society http://www.nwc.org.au/ Wombats buried Alive at Glenbog State Forest Suffer Avoidable Cruelty
The NWC is disturbed by the apparent lack of oversight of logging contractors leading to unnecessary and preventable deaths of wombats in Glenbog State Forest. The NWC strongly recommends an investigation into the actions of the Forestry Corporation contractors responsible

Ready, Set, Slaughter: Dolphin Killings to Begin in Infamous Cove
Sunday, September 1 2013 marks the start of Taiji, Japan’s annual dolphin slaughter, made famous by the Oscar-winning documentary ‘The Cove.
The killing season opens Sunday, September 1 in Taiji, heralding a six-month orgy of mass terror, suffering, kidnapping, bloodshed and slaughter inflicted upon hapless pods of whales and dolphins unlucky enough to swim near the coast of Japan’s Kuman-nada Sea.
Herded by boats and terrifying banger poles into an inlet popularized by the Oscar-winning documentary The Cove, the stressed-out animals will be separated: younger, cuter ones will be sold to theme parks to spend a life in “show business.” The rest will be impaled, speared, sliced, and gutted in the crimson-red waters, destined for East-Asian dining tables

The world's cruellest slaughter of seals takes place every year in Namibia, and is due to start again on July 1st.
Australian-based fur and skins company, Hatem Yavuz, is directly implicated in this annual brutal slaughter. Hatem Yavuz is the last remaining buyer of these dead seal pup skins to make them into fur coats.
Cape Fur Seals are directly related to the protected Fur Seals living on the southeast Australian coast and the Namibian Government has allowed 85,000 of these animals to be killed each year. Most pups are so young that they are still being nursed by their mothers. The terrified pups are rounded up, separated from their mothers and brutally clubbed to death.
The market for Namibian Cape Fur Seal skins has collapsed over recent years due to lack of demand and import bans in the European Union, the United States, Mexico and South Africa because of the cruelty involved in the sealing methods. As of 2008, Australian-based Hatem Yavuz is the only one company left buying seal skins from Namibia.
There is international pressure on Hatem Yavuz to stop funding this cull. Please add your voice and express your outrage to Hatem Yavuz for their culpability in animal cruelty, and call on them to commit to never again buying Namibian Cape Fur Seal skins
See http://www.animalsaustralia.org/take_action/namibian-seal-slaughter/

21 June 2013 Duck Massacre
Volunteer rescuers have counted hundreds of protected species among the victims of this year's Victorian duck shooting season.
Spotting a Freckled Duck gliding across the usually peaceful waters of Victoria's wetlands is a rare joy. The beautiful and seldom-seen native waterbird is supposed to be protected by law — but that didn't help those illegally killed in Victoria during this year's shooting season.
Opening weekend heralded a "massacre" of these peaceful animals. The season has recently ended and their final body count has tragically climbed into the hundreds.
Freckled Ducks were not the only helpless victims of this cruel 'sport'. Volunteer rescuers from the Coalition Against Duck Shooting collected hundreds of dead and wounded protected species from local wetlands.
When birds are shot, the shotgun pellets can shatter bones and damage internal organs. An estimated one in four birds who are shot are never retrieved. Instead they are left behind to suffer and even die from their wounds
Take action
Demand an end to the cruelty of duck shooting. http://www.animalsaustralia.org/take_action/duck-shooting/

Saturday Oct 6, 2012
For all Australians opposed to animal cruelty — this is our day to stand up to live export! Inspiring speakers. Family-friendly.

Why should I attend?
If you care about animals and want to see them protected from cruelty, then this event is for you. Despite assurances from the Australian Government that cruelty in the live export trade would be addressed, animals continue to be neglected, brutalised, have their throats cut while fully conscious, and recently, were buried alive. Tragedy after tragedy reveals that animals exported live will always be at risk. And yet, they continue to be sent. This sends the appalling message to the rest of the world that Australia accepts animal cruelty. The animals are depending on us — we must urgently let politicians know that caring Australians will not vote for political parties that support live export. This is your chance to join with others at a family-friendly event to rally for a kinder future for animals
What can I do in the lead up to the event?
You can play a key role in helping to promote the rally to your local community — click here to download flyers. In the lead up to the Ban Live Export National Rally we also need your help to show politicians that Australians haven’t forgotten the unforgivable cruelty that exported animals conintue to endure. Click here to take action today.
Where can I find more information?
Stay tuned to AnimalsAustralia.org/live-export-rally for latest updates and announcements, follow Animals Australia on facebook