Critter Rescue

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Animal welfare issues in destination countries

On arrival, animals are subject to various welfare risks. In overseas destinations with different climates, animals must adjust to new and sometimes extreme temperatures, especially in the case of sheep transported from Australia to the Middle East. They generally endure long waiting periods before disembarking ships and being loaded onto trucks, where rough handling can cause distress and injury. During truck journeys to feedlots and/or slaughterhouses, they are usually denied access to food or water which can lead to dehydration and exhaustion. Once at the slaughterhouse, they may be subject to a range of different slaughter methods, including unskilled and sometimes illegal methods which cause pain and suffering.   

Live Export

Dec 2019 We're fighting the drought - alot of animals need transporting out of paddocks with nothing to eat

3.3.15   So many horrible rescues this year already! Operations & nursing have all been successful so we look forward to getting these animals ready for their new homes  in the near future!

Xmas Sponsor Cards (see Xmas Gifts page)

November 30, 2014
Thanks to all the kids who made up the Xmas Sponsor Cards for us.
Each card has a photo of one of the animals in our Shelter at present who either can't be rehomed
or is being nursed (with their name on card). The money for each card goes for treats for that animal over Xmas.
You can buy these at some local shops on Central Coast & in the Hunter or from a Volunteer or on this site.
Also you can buy Xmas Raffle tickets here on the site.

Xmas Raffle 2014

November 30, 2014

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Xmas Raffle

November 26, 2014
Yes we have a Xmas Raffle to raise much needed funds for Vet bills, food & supplies.  We do not receive
any funding so the raffle really helps.   If you can help by selling tickets please contact us.

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busy, busy, busy

November 26, 2014
No time to lay around smelling the fruit for all us volunteers at Critter Rescue. It has been a VERY busy
year with a record number of urgent & critical rescues & animals.  Sorry we haven't had time to keep this
Blog uptodate in the last little while. If anyone has some free time please contact us as we are always
looking for new volunteers for lots of different duties. So if you're good at something please let us know
& maybe your skill can be used to help the critters

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Fishing hook injuries

August 31, 2014

August has been a month of duck & dog fishing hook injuries.   We have now had 4 ducks & one dog come into our care with injuries from fishing hooks stuck in their mouths or feet.
This highlights 2 big problems:
Firstly people are leaving, dumping or disposing their fishing gear in public areas irresponsibly.
Secondly people are dumping domestic pet animals in public parks or watercourses. 
A deadly combination!
Critter Rescue now has big vet bills to get the hooks out & medicate the animals.

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Don't forget our Winter Appeal

July 29, 2014

Please spread the word that we now have a Pet Food Donation Bin at Goldman's Petland in Cessnock.
Our Winter Appeal is now on for food for rescued animals. You can donate via this website or contact us direct
or drop some non-perishable pet food in the Bin at Goldmans. We have very many needy animals this winter

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BIG thank you

July 29, 2014
Lots to cover but to everyone who has lent a hand over the last few months ..... a big thankyou.
First thanks to all those who turned up to help with the 2 GIANT rescues last weekend (goats and ducks). We don't even know who you all were but it was great to see so many caring people.  Also big thanks to Julie who has persisted with the gosling adoption process (picture below shows one of the groups of rescued babies almost being accepted by a new goose family...only a few hisses). Thanks to th...
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Pet Food Donation Bin

July 29, 2014
We now have a Pet Food Donation Bin at Goldman's Petland, in Cessnock. Please consider a donation if you are in the area. Or you can make a money donation via this site.  It has been a very busy period for all us volunteers since last Christmas with record numbers of animals needing help.  Many times we rescue a whole herd, flock or litter of animals from starvation or neglect at one time. So food is always needed desperately.   Here's a photo of Rooster Guy making our bin

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Drought, rescues, Pre/Post Xmas dumping of animals

February 16, 2014
We have all been busy for the first two months of 2014 battling the drought with little feed left in the paddocks for rescued farmyard animals & taking care of injured/abandoned domestic animals. Lots of mouths to feed. We have rehomed some but there are others still needing our help. A pet is for life. Never get a pet unless you have  someone to take care of him/her when you go on holidays.

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Our Xmas Raffle was drawn today

December 22, 2013
The lucky winners are: 1st Prize Sue from Cessnock, 2nd Prize Mitch from Abedare & 3rd Prize Kylie from Cessnock. They were all really surprised when they got the phone call!
Big THANKYOU to James Ryan (from CCC) for once again drawing the Xmas Raffle.  Also big thanks to the Official Witnesses:
human Paul Goldman (from Goldmans Produce) & critter Roger Blatchley (a dog).                                             ...
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Please donate

$ 50 AUD

No Kill

Critter Rescue We never give up. We find an appropriate home for every critter. Everyone deserves a loving home